Tuesday, February 10, 2009

I Smile Internally

A-Roid? A-Fraud? Ha haahahahahahhahahahhhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaaaa.

He's gonna hear so much shit, ha hahahahahahah.

Friday, February 6, 2009

A Few Thoughts On Truck Day!!!

Well, the fucking Lakers won again, by one point. Damn. That really hurts. So, that's 2 big win streaks they put an end to this year. I can't wait for the C's to beat 'em again in the championship.

We officially got 'Tek for 1-2 years. I think this was the perfect deal for both sides. Although, on Varitek's side, Boras porked him out of a few million by not signing the extension. But, I like it for the Sox, they get the poor hitting, great game calling guy that their pitchers are used to and it buys them time to get the next young buck to fill in. Once again, I hope they reduce his role, let him help the pitching/catching staff, and don't let him hit from the left side, please.

Joe Torre, thank you for your book, we all love it. Particularly the A-Fraud bashing.

Jason Bay gets a nice extension during this season.

Lowell...................? (question mark)


Yes please.