Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Blah, Blah, Blah

Dude, it's getting old now. I mean, sure I would love to see Teixeira in a Sox uniform next year, even if the new uniform look a little gay. I would love to see his gold glove at first and his switch hitting, power driving bat knock around some AL East pitchers. But, my GOD. This is out of control. "We make huge offer, we pull out of the runnings for him, there's a mystery team, we're back in it." It's worse than watching General Hospital while someones rubbing antifreeze on your nuts. (Huh?, well that can't be good)
They say Tex is going to make his decision today. They got us offering 8 years and a shitload of money, the Nats 9 years and an even bigger shitload of money. So, right there you'd have to go Nats, unless he wants to win, then you gotta figure Sox, right. Well, then you hear of reports that the Yankees are now in it, right? Bullshit.
I'm so glad John Henry called Boreass's bluff with that mystery team. There should be some kind of law against him making shit up to drive the prices. Like, for instance, a hospital is not allowed to say, "Oh, you had a surgery, let's compare some other hospital rates.........ooooh, sorry, there is a mystery hospital that quadruples our price, so we're going with that on". Or, like a prostitute can't be like, "Sure I'll give you a hummer for $20, but first let me go and compare other ho's prices and I'll get back to you". No, first of all, her pimp would bitch slap her and tell he to get some fucking cash right now.
Maybe that's what we need in the MLB. A free agent pimp to regulate shit. If your taking to long to decide and you have Boras making shit up, you get a little visit from the MLB Pimp and a little motivation to cut the shit out, and pick a fucking team.
Well..........I'll keep an eye out to see if he makes his decision today....................

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